Hey, lovers of sparkling snow and skiing!
It’s finally happened! I released my new e-book
“Way to become a cool skier”
This book combine and shares my almost 25 years’ working experience as a ski instructor in America and, in particular, in the state of Utah.
For all those twenty-odd years that I taught the art of turning while alpine skiing, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge.
I decided on another (hopefully the last) literary opus and wrote another article (book) about the most common mistakes and methods or ways to correct them. The reason for its writing there were numerous observations of the training process of skiers, as well as training of Junior athletes.
The fact is that both athletes and amateurs make the same mistakes as that: too much pressure on the inner leg, turning the body up the slope and so on. But athletes make mistakes at high speeds, fighting for hundredths of a second and amateurs by inability and lack of motor skills
The cornerstone or in other words the most important mistake of both is the athletic ski stance or the position of dynamic balance. Here about it and also about all accompanying and following mistakes also there will be a speech.
The book analyzes and presents, in an accessible understanding, both for professional ski instructors and athletes, and novice skiers, the most common mistakes and methods of correction.
RECOMMENDED for reading, study, analysis.
I am sure that this information will help instructors to better understand their profession and increase the level of knowledge and skills, athletes -to achieve the highest sports results, and all fans in the development of sliding on alpine skiing.
Enjoy all of us on the mountain slopes!
To be honest, I do not even know what else can be added to characterize my modest work!
The book can be purchased at the LINK >>>>>>>
With faith in your success
and see you on pages of the book!
Your guide
into the beautiful and wonderful world of skiing
and snow-covered slopes
= Leonid Feldman =