Ski Instructor

Ski Instructor

From wedge to edge or skiing from the view of the ski instructor

From wedge to edge or skiing from the view of ski instructorHey, lovers of sparkling snow and skiing!

It’s finally happened! I released my new e-book

“From wedge to edge or skiing from the view of the ski instructor”

This book combine and shares my more than 20 years’ working experience as a ski instructor in America and, in particular, in the state of Utah.

For all those twenty-odd years that I taught the art of turning while alpine skiing, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge. I worked with a variety of students, from young to old. The youngest – two years and the oldest ninety one! So, what can I safely say – all ages are skiing downhill! I’ve collected information on how to easily and clearly teach skiing. It’s designed to help in the development of your ski technique and make your winter holiday an unforgettable experience. I also discuss how to choose the perfect a ski location, preparation for the trip, clothes, glasses, boots, and skis. You’ll also read about the rules and history of skiing, and touch on some Ski Legends and how to win in the athletic ski world. In short I’ve included a little bit of everything for the variety of people whom have a passion for skiing.

In the book analyzed and outlined, in a sense, as professional ski instructors, athletes, and beginners and not only, the history of skiing from inception to becoming a professional ski covers almost all aspects of theoretical and practical knowledge and skills learning to slide on skis from beginner to expert level, explained the selection inverter, equipment, clothing, choosing a resort and a lot of other useful information, theoretical and practical knowledge.

RECOMMENDED reading, study, analysis.

I am sure that the information obtained will help the instructors better understand their profession and increase their level of knowledge and skills, to athletes achieving the highest sports results, and all fans in the development of slide mountain ski.


Fun for all of us on the slopes!

Honestly, I don’t know what else can I add features to my modest work!

The book can be purchased at the LINK >>>>>>>

With faith in your success and see you on pages of the book!

Your guide

to the beautiful and wonderful world of skiing

and snow-covered slopes

= Leonid Feldman =

My YouTube channel is dedicated to learning to ski!

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